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I love zoos and aquariums and I am active in the profession by participating in workshops and meetings, chairing accreditation inspection teams and being active on AZA committees.  Since retiring from Cleveland Metroparks Zoo I have continued to consult

on zoo exhibitry and programs and strategic planning.  

 Zoo Consultant


Over the years as I have consulted with a number of AZA zoos and aquariums, often at the reguest of AZA or USDA.  I have chaired over forty AZA Accreditation inspections. These inspections have ranged in size from the N.E.W. in Green Bay, Wisconsin to the Bronx Zoo and the National Zoo in Washington, DC.  I have visited almost all of the current accredited zoos and aquariums in AZA, as well as another hundred zoos and aquariums around the World.


As a strategic planner I bring a unique perspective to the process as I have participated in numerous plans as a staff member, a zoo director in two different zoos, a Board member (AZA and Akron Zoo) and as a consultant. 


Since retiring from Cleveland Metroparks Zoo at the end of 2012, I have participated in strategic planning as a consultant with various premier zoo and aquarium consulting firms and have done several consulting projects on my own.


"In the fall of 2015 the Akron Zoo engaged Steve Taylor to facilitate a comprehensive examination of our Conservation Strategy in a series of full day workshops with zoo staff.  The result is an organized approach to "Big C" conservation that is understandable to both the Zoo and the Board.  These wrokshops refined our mission statement, created a framework for the projects, and most importantly clarified strategic goals that were later accepted by the Board.  Steve's in depth knowledge of the subject matter and thoughtful guideance produced a successful outcome for our staff and Board."  Doug Piekarz, CEO/President, Akron Zoo

AZA Accreditation 


AZA's Accreditation Program is essentail to maintaining high standards for its member zoos and aquariums.  Over my career, I have chaired over forty visiting inspection teams for zoos and aquariums all over the United States from the smallest institutions to the largest and most famous.  In "retirement," I have continued to chair visiting teams and attend AZA Accreditation update sessions at the annual meeting.


I also have served on the Accreditation Commission for 12 years as a member, advisor and chair.


I am available to help zoos and aquariums with their submittal and woild be glad to help any prospective members prepare their application.

Collection Management and Exhibit Design


As both collection management and exhibit design become more and more complicated, I assist zoos and aqauriums with these processes.


From to 2006 to 2012 I was a member of AZA's Wildlfe Conservation and Management Committee (WCMC) and have a good understanding of current practices with collection management and the challenges ahead of all zoos and aquariums.


With over thirty years as a Zoo Director I have been involved in the design and construction of dozens of new and renovated animal exhibits from one for naked mole rats to a huge 90,000 square-foot indoor rainforest exhbits.  


In additon, by visiting over 360 zoos and aquariums around the world 

(some of the very best) I have indepth knowledge of the modern zoo exhibits.

Steve H. Taylor, Zoo Director Emeritus

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo  

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