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I have been leading African Safaris since my first safari to South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe (then Southern Rhodesia) in 1978.  From that date, I was hooked!  Every safari is incredible and each safari is unique.  After over two dozen safaris to ten different African countries, I can truthfully state that each safari has been a new experiences for me and a trip of a lifetime for my clients.


Africa is very special, but there are many other ecotourism destinations that certainly should be on every travelers list of destinations - Australia, Belize, Costa Rica, Peru, and the Galapagos Islands are just a few.


Experienced advice is always free of charge - just call or send an e-mail

Since my days as Director of the Sacramento Zoo I have been using EWT to organize my safaris.  Explorers World Travel, Inc (EWT) was incorporated by the husband/wife team, and my friends, Jim Heck and Kathleen Morgan. EWT practices "fair trading" policies where approximately two-thirds of the dollars paid for tourist services actually reach the individual companies in Africa.  For instance, in Tanzania we use Next Safaris, owned and operated by a local Tanzanian, Tumaini Meishaa. 
Other African destinations include Kenya, Rawanda, Uganda, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and a few others.
PO Box 6027, Galena, Illinois, 61036, USA
While Africa is my favorite destination, there are many other places around the world where wildlife can be observed and photographed.  I have expericnce in the following destinations and would be glad to discuss these with you.
  • Costa Rica
  • Belize
  • Brazil - the Pantanal and the Amazon
  • Australia
  • Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands
  • Peru 
  • Botswana/Zambia. April 2020.  Cancelled as of March 2020 and 2021.  

  • Tanzania Migration Safaris - March 11 - 22, 2021. Was moved to Feb. 26 - March12, 2023.  We flew to Tarangire National Park, visited Lake Manyara NP (stayed at the beautiful Gibbs Farm) and the Ngorongoro Crater before headed to the Serengeti NP and the great wildbeest and zebra migration. 

  • Call me at 216-780-1350 or email me at to talk future safaris.  Will be glad to send you a full itinerary

  • ​For more information and reservations, contact me or Explorers World Travel at 815-776-0777 
"Just a quick note to thank you for a great trip.  Steve, you were right, this was the best trip all of us have ever been on.  We saw amazing animals, the places we stayed in were incredible and we had some wonderful meals.  We also enjoyed getting to tap into your knowledge and experience from trips past... Thanks again."

Steve H. Taylor, Zoo Director Emeritus

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo  

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